Last night I was up with a bit of insomnia so I spent the time browsing weaving stuff. I thought I'd share just a few of my old favorites and new finds for weaving resources, particularly for the rigid heddle loom, which is what I use.
Hands on Rigid Heddle Weaving
This is by far the most comprehensive resource for rigid heddle weaving I've found so far--it's what I used to teach myself how to weave about 15 years ago. It covers the basics, has clear instructions and diagrams, gives well-designed projects, and offers variations techniques for those wishing to expand. An outstanding book overall.
Weaving Made Easy: 17 Projects Using a Simple Loom
Good coverage of the basics, great pictures, and interesting projects. Once I get through enough of my stash to justify buying new yarns, I want to try the Bamboo Obi project--so cool!
And here are the two books at the top of my wish list right now...

Much as I enjoy plain weave, I really want to learn weaving with two heddles...it looks like it can make some very interesting variations.
Interweave.com Resources not just for weaving, but for other crafts too.
Ravelry.com I just joined this one and the forums are awesome...and you can trade/buy yarns from other folks' stashes...which is nice if you're looking for a particular yarn (like I was).
Weavolution.com Great groups & forums!
Halcyonyarn.com Supplies, yarns, looms, books, etc.
Woolery.com Another site for supplies, yarns, and stuff.
Weavezine.com Articles, projects, tips.
Ruthe's Collection of Weaving Resources Huge list of handy links!
The Mannings Handweaving School and Supply Center In PA--trying to find a good time to take a class there so I can finally learn to use a 4-shaft loom!
Happy weaving!